Sunday 15 February 2009

"Lead, Follow, Or Get Out Of The Way U*Us!" Thomas Paine Joins The RevolU*Ution And Provides A Presidential Campaign Slogan For The Emerson Avenger!

Boston Unitarian posted the conclusion of a Rev. Henry Wilder Foote sermon today.

The concluding paragraph of that sermon said the following -

"The only solution is the double truth: that God has not finished but is still making His world; and that He does not work in this alone, but calls for the co-operation of man and nature with Him."

In light of the ongoing abject failure, if not obstinate refusal, of many Unitarian*Universalists aka U*Us to co-operate with God this brought to *my* mind the famous saying of Thomas Paine -

"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."

It seems like a very fitting UUA Presidential Campaign slogan for The Emerson Avenger, possibly one amongst several others to follow. . .

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